Thursday, 7 October 2010

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Doesn't it suck that you can have your free speech contractually controlled? I mean, the reasons are there, companies have sensitive information that could really ruin their business if it got out in the open. I'm not talking about criminal secrets here, but just stuff about how they work. I mean, at an ethical level we should not allow ourselves to be controlled so. Sure, it's alright to say "If you don't blab about this, you'll get these rewards," but it's not so fine to say "After signing this, you have now agreed that we can sue the crap out of you if you talk." This is just one of the things in day to day life that just makes me feel like sheeple, so many systems that I have to bow down too. But, I'm young! I can still dream that one day I'll stumble upon riches and transcend all this.


  1. I guess you should just be careful about what you sign. I'm sure you'd be signing a shit ton of paperwork if you worked at Microsoft or something. I also have to wonder what sort of practices certain companies hide behind these contracts.

  2. Exactly! I'm not expecting satanic rituals or anything, but it just puts me on edge.

  3. You'll have to stumble upon some big time riches to overcome those nda's ;)

  4. Non-disclosure Agreements aren't a violation of your free speech, as they're a voluntary agreement. Usually they're a stipulation of some larger deal. You agree to give up the right to talk about it in order to exercise the opportunities of some bigger offer, payment, product, etc.

    You can still speak freely. You just might get fired/sued/cut off for it.

  5. I'm probably just bitter that there IS good enough leverage out there.

  6. Just be weary of everything anyone will push on you. I always read over everything before I sign my life away. Great post man :)

  7. Ethical level? Isn't it a question of morals? I mean being taught that we are free from a young age, our surroundings have shaped us into the people we are, and the reason why that me/you [especially you] are outraged by the thought of this. And I agree with onefourseven, they don't actually stop you from doing anything, you can still talk as much as you want, but you better be prepared to suffer such consequences.

  8. I'll give you my opinion on this post if you agree not to disclose said opinion to anyone else under penalty of law ;)

  9. How to avoid this: become a vagrant. No more NDAs!

  10. If I had read every set Terms And Conditions I ever agreed to, I'd not have time to do anything else. It is true though, it's not forced because I am agreeing to it, very hard to turn around and say that I haven't.
